Tuesday, March 15, 2011

From Argentina to Texas and Beyond!

Laura moved from Argentina to Houston, Texas as a young girl. After years of unhappy school experiences, she searched for an escape and came across unschooling. Now, a happy 2011 graduate, she writes in her last monthly report:

"These past four years have been the highlight of my teenage years.  I’ll never forget this experience. These four years were the reward for those days I thought would never end. This saved my life. I’d never felt more confident, determined or focused before. The last time I felt like this was right after I left school. I wanted to prove everyone wrong. After beginning this four-year adventure, I realized it wasn’t about them; it wasn’t about proving anything. This was about me and finding out who I am. Thanking you for making this possible will never truly show how thankful I really am for changing my life. Finding your school was the most essential part of the beginning of my new life. I sincerely believe that this was meant to be. From the problems at school, to that afternoon when I was skipping class in that library and grabbed that book where I found out about unschooling… it was all meant to happen. At one point I believed I was the one who had to change, that the way I’d been raised wasn’t correct. I had the most wonderful four years, going from a person who was at her lowest, at times even wishing not to live, to someone who can’t wait to start school and be successful in life.

"Everyone sees the change; the sparkle is back. The educational biography has to be the most important assignment I’ve ever had. I read part of it when I was at work earlier today and I had to stop because I got teary-eyed. Your academy changed my life. Thank you so much, I’ll never forget that your school was the only one that gave me a chance when no one else would."

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